sleeping with bread requires sleeping

But I am going to give it a shot anyway. For an explanation, see here:
I figured I'd start with what I always find the easiest question (I must be gentle on myself when without much sleep), "For what are you most grateful/least grateful?"
I am going to begin with the bad, so I can, hopefully, end this on a positive note (as is common with me, as soon as I opened this entry, my mind went blank). Over the past week, the thing for which I am least grateful is my messy house and the corresponding portion of my being that has so much trouble finding the motivation and time to do anything about it. I can't even seem to bring myself to discipline the kids when they are leaving mayhem in their wake. I know I am not normally a neat person, but I am still a perfectionist. Sometimes I just look around, and the lack of organization cuts me more deeply than it should, causing me to make harsh judgements about who I am.
Gratitude is a funny thing. Sometimes the smallest thing can turn a day around. In the midst of all the craziness, one little smile can turn the whole situation from drama to comedy. This week, I am most grateful for children who love to hug their mom and say such things as, "You laugh a lot," especially since the laughter is usually the silent kind, and they really have to be paying attention to see it. May I always laugh a lot through the arms of the ones I love.
Labels: sleeping with bread
I'm glad you joined me in SWB today! As I sit in the midst of unfolded laundry, cups--empty and half-empty--on the coffee table, shoes and junk mail on the floor, I relate to your ingratitude for a messy house and your lack of motivation to do anything about it.
I linked this post on my SWB post today, FYI.
I hope you have a great week and I am looking forward to reading next week's SWB post.
Unknown, at 12:19 PM
I'm glad you joined me in SWB today! As I sit in the midst of unfolded laundry, cups--empty and half-empty--on the coffee table, shoes and junk mail on the floor, I relate to your ingratitude for a messy house and your lack of motivation to do anything about it.
I linked this post on my SWB post today, FYI.
I hope you have a great week and I am looking forward to reading next week's SWB post.
Unknown, at 12:19 PM
Sorry about the double comment. My computer told me to try again and I did. Oh well.
Unknown, at 12:20 PM
I am grateful for double comments today, as they make me feel like I am getting a whole slew of attention. ;)
We don't even have a coffee table because it would get in the way of junk storage (not the real reason, but that's what happens). We actually had to take the legs off all of our couches to reduce the amount of "hiding junk." LOL
I am glad I'm not alone.
atypical, at 12:50 PM
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