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Friday, June 08, 2007

the unexpected

As a person who uses worry to help deal with stress (by preparing for every possible negative outcome don'tcha know), it never ceases to amaze me that, no matter how much I prepare, the actual outcome is never exactly like any expected scenario.

The surgery is over. My mother did well. She now begins the journey of recovery peppered by a different (and with hope, temporary) kind of pain.

But today, as I was on my way home from one of my hospital visits, our dog, Twister, passed away during an epileptic seizure. He has suffered them since around 18 months of age (he was four).

He will be missed.



  • Omigosh, T! I'm so sorry. He was a beautiful pup. How are the kids doing with it all?

    I am glad, though, that your mother's surgery went well.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:57 AM  

  • Oh! I am so, so sorry that your dog passed away. How are all of you doing?

    I am glad that your mother's surgery went well.

    Sometimes the two sides of the coin are so close.

    I lost my precious cat the day I brought my first baby home from the hospital. I was devastated, not half because then the joy of the baby would always be tinged by the grief. It's eased with time, though.

    By Blogger Julie Pippert, at 9:08 AM  

  • I'm so sorry about Twister...what a sweet face he had. I know yesterday was a tough day - ((hugs)) for you.


    By Blogger spidermama, at 12:25 PM  

  • I'm glad to hear your mom came through the surgery. I'm so sorry that this joy was countered by the loss of Twister. Peace and Blessings to you.

    By Blogger Terri B., at 5:39 PM  

  • oh no! i'm so sorry t. poor twister.

    By Blogger Heather, at 6:01 PM  

  • Awww....

    I'm genuinely sorry for the loss of your furbaby.

    *sending healing thoughts for you and for the mom*

    By Blogger Mel, at 10:55 PM  

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