nonsensical text

Friday, December 28, 2007

the refrigerator

The outside of a person and the inside of a person are often very different things. I’m not talking about muscles and blood and body organs either. Inside of each human, there is a depth that makes them tick, gives them purpose, and defines who they are.

Refrigerators are backwards.

On the inside of a refrigerator, you will find the foods which sustain us, but which also go into the make-up of our external bodies – the foods which nourish us and those which add character to our hips, our waists – our outward frames.

In many homes, the outside of a refrigerator is rife with preschool drawings and family pictures. Our home isn’t much different in its capacity to show the inner workings of the mind – the medium is just different.

There is a chore calendar – laminated in hopefulness to allow a white board marker the freedom to cross off accomplished chores. It bears no marks.

There is an enormous magnetic band-aid perched above the memo pads for recording needed groceries (blank) and telephone numbers for callback purposes (also blank).

There are various free magnets from assorted solicitors by mail.

There is a bumper sticker, held down with an earth magnet, bearing the words Fat people are harder to kidnap.

And there is a new addition.

On Thanksgiving, at my sister’s house, the entire family enjoyed playing with the magnetic words they had on their refrigerator. This enjoyment was obvious enough that my mother gifted us with our own set for Christmas.

While our ponderings varied from silly to profound upon my sister’s cooling vessel, they have yet to gain such loft on our own.

From the freckled boy on Thanksgiving came these haunting words:

Speak the word slowly as though a whisper can be judged.

He is a bit amazed at all of the fuss those words received claiming not to truly understand them himself. I, on the other hand, have contemplated the heritage of assembling text that somehow speaks the inner workings of the soul while remaining only the messenger that carries them to the outside world.

But alas, perhaps our own refrigerator’s surface just as accurately captures the little idiosyncrasies that make us who we are.

The Drama King (9):

Pedal when drunk
crush the light

driving could be eternity

The Freckled One (12):

pound, stare, and love a puppy

The N Boy (17):

I as wet of a storm
smell beauty spring and
sausage heave

Spongebob (6):

TV’s purple finger
why love time

The Brat (old):

drool sweet juice there in the dream
music of honey spray

Da Man (older):

Stop leaving a smear

And a bonus anonymous entry (which may be attributed to the Instigator (14)):

Dress in shaking peaches
blood is behind shining pictures

I’m sure the Pink One will be contributing soon, but she has yet to learn how to sound out words. Once she does, I am betting we are all in trouble.

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  • I think we definitely need a set of those words.

    By Blogger Odd Mix, at 12:36 PM  

  • O. Mi. Gosh!

    I'm putting that freckled boy quote in my side bar.

    I have a set of those words and we took them off our fridge after a few years. I think I want to go put them back on.

    And of course, only you, T, could wax metaphoric and poetic about a refrigerator with such profundity. (Is profundity a word?) You know I mean profound, right?

    Love you!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:44 PM  

  • *nodding*

    I make copies of the ones the kiddos at work miraculously come up with.
    They speak volumes about their wisdom and humble me on a regular basis.

    Oh....and my sister gave me yiddish ones. LOL They speak to me, too.
    Mostly in questions. ;-)

    By Blogger Mel, at 9:48 PM  

  • How neat is that quote! And he says it is random and meaningless? Oh I think not! Very profound (and I am calling Webster's to add in profundity).

    Love how you wrote about insides and outsides...neat topic.

    We had some word magnets. We lost them at some point, I think when we got a new refrigerator that is only magnetic on the side, only a small portion of which we can access.

    But they were fun.

    Using My Words

    By Blogger Julie Pippert, at 3:37 PM  

  • Happy, Joyous New Year wishes to you and yours!

    By Blogger Mel, at 12:05 AM  

  • Happy New Year!

    I love the freckled boy quote. I'm glad to see Mary has placed it in her sidebar :o)

    By Blogger Terri B., at 6:19 PM  

  • I hope all is well with you... and that we hear from you soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 AM  

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